Wanted Vacuum Tubes for electronics.
We buy tubes, New Old Stock, Used, Pulls .
If you have tubes that were used in vintage radios, Transmitters, Receivers & amplifiers for CB or Ham, Audio or Stereo Equipment, guitar amplifiers we are interested.
We will buy single tubes, estates, accumulations and lot's of any size.
Please email me with your list.
We especially need the following tubes:
O1A, 1L6, 6CA7/EL34, 2A3, 2C51/396A, 5AR4/GZ34, 5R4GY, 5UAG, 5U4GB, 5Y3GT,5Y3WGT, 6BQ5, 6C10, 6CA4/EZ81, 6CG7/6FQ7, 6DJ8/EC88, 6EU7, 7308, 6922, E188CC, 6DJ8, 6922,7308, 6JS6C, 6K11, 6Q11, 6L6GC, 6l6WGB/5881, 6LB6, 6LF6, 6LQ6, 6JE6C,6MJ6, 6T5,6V6GT/A/Y, 12AT7, 12AU7/A, 12AX7/A .
E83CC, 7025, 45/50 ST, 211 VT-4-C, UX/CX/SX -245/345, 300A, 300B, 350B,422A, 5692,5992, 6267, 6386, 6550, 7308,7591/A, B759, Ecc32, ECC35,VF14, 6146, 807W, 4-1000A & All 2 digit tube types all tubes starting with UX/CX/SX + a number.
Admiral, Amperex, Amperite, Arcturus, Beckman, Bendix, Brimar, CBS, Chelmer, Crosley, Delco, Dumont, Eimac, Electro Harmonix, Emerson, Fisher, Genalex, General Electric, Groove Tube, Heathkit, Hytron, Hyvac, International, JJ Tesla, KenRad, Lindal, Magnavox, Marconi, Matsushita, Mesa, Mullard, Mytron, National, Penta, Philips, Radio Shack, Raytheon, RCA, Realistic, Rogers, Siemens, Silvertone, Sonotone, Sovtek, Standard, Svetlana, Sylvania, Telefunken, Tung Sol, Valvo, Western Electric, Westinghouse & Zenith are desirable brands of tubes that we buy.
We also buy ham radio equipment & tubes testers and other electronic components such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits, coils, chokes, diodes.