Looking for Full and Part Time Employees
To assist the classroom teacher in directing the daily learning and activities of the children, according to MSDE requirements (as it relates to the Bright Eyes theme planning outline.
Assist in greeting children daily.
Parents should never enter the room without a pleasant greeting from at least one of the staff, preferably more.
Children should be checked in on the attendance chart as they arrive and out as they leave.
Assist in the daily planning and execution of all classroom and outside activities.
This includes cutting out materials, drawing, tracing stencils, participating in music, finger plays and games.
Assist in protecting the health, welfare, and safety of the children.
Applying first aide to cuts and scrapes, writing accident reports.
Watch children and discipline them, within our guidelines, so that they do not get hurt or hurt each other.
Assist in the bathroom supervision of children.
Help children that need assistance.
Clean up any bathroom accidents.
Assist children in preparation and serving of snacks and meals.
Tables must be cleaned and disinfected before and after snacks and meals.
At the end of the day make sure the tables are clean, chairs are stacked safely and the children are checked out on the attendance chart as they leave.
Vacuum and/or sweep the floor when necessary, after snacks and meals.
Assist children in making sure spills and drips are cleaned up promptly.
Play with the children.
Have conversations with the children.
Read to the children.
Be busy this is not a babysitting service.
We need to be involved with the children, and see to it that they are busy and involved.
Staff should never be sitting around doing nothing or having conversations with other staff, whether inside or outside.
Help return the supplies to the supply room and put in their proper place.
Return snack to the kitchen, put leftover juice in the refrigerator, put snacks in airtight containers.
Always make sure that the snack items, cups, napkins, plastic forks, spoon etc… are in sealed airtight containers.
Take turns at cleaning the kitchen, based on the schedule posted in the office.
Wash, rinse and disinfect the dishes and coffeepots, wipe off the trays, counters and sinks.
Check the schedule – do not miss your turn.
Make sure shelves and counter tops in the classrooms are free from clutter, Toys are put away in their proper place and shelves are labeled clearly for the age level of the children.
Make sure that the outside toys are put away every day.
Make sure the doors and windows for each room are closed and locked in the evening.
Assist in maintaining discipline in the classroom – use distraction as often as possible.
Attend staff development activities and team meetings, as required by the Director/Owner.
Responsible for attending workshops and staff meetings and trainings.
Bright Eyes pays for the workshops and trainings your time is required.
Be flexible in working where assigned.
Greet parents and children as they arrive and leave.
Leave conversations about behavior to lead teachers.
Dress appropriately for work.
No shirts that have alcohol, tobacco, drugs or profanity.
Entire torso area must be covered appropriately.
Pajamas are for pajama days only.
During nap and down time use time to hang art work, disinfect toys, straighten toy shelves and clean room.
If you have nothing to do check with lead teachers to see if they have things that need to be prepared for the coming days curriculum.
Be in the room that you are assigned to do not visit other rooms.
Demonstrate an interest in expanding personal knowledge of child development.
Observe, record and report individual children’s behavior and growth as assigned.
Maintain an orderly and clean environment for the children.
Observe and document significant individual and/or group behavior.
Assist children with self care activities.
Be familiar with center routine and policies.
Minimum age of 16
Must be willing to acquire required trainings within 60 days of hire date (all trainings can be completed online)